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PinnedPublished inBetter HumansMental Models and Social SituationsYour mental models can both assist and limit your perceptions of the world, especially when you meet a person for the first timeJul 20, 20211Jul 20, 20211
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Published inCodeXThe Power of Code SnippetsHow To Turn Your Code from Good to GreatAug 2, 2021Aug 2, 2021
I like it 😊 Good work!Perhaps a little philosophical at times. But still a nice Blog. Made me laugh quite a few times!Jun 2, 2021Jun 2, 2021
I like it 😊 Great work!Try adding some headings 😉 It'll help guide the reader along.Jun 2, 2021Jun 2, 2021
Published inTDS ArchiveVanilla Neural Networks in RTake a Look Under The Hood of Neural Network Architecture: Design and Build a Neural Network, from Scratch, in R, without using any Deep…Nov 6, 2020Nov 6, 2020
Exploring Undernourishment: Part 8 — Recommendations and ConclusionsA Visual Data Exploration Research Project to Better Understand the Nuances of Our Global NutritionOct 13, 2020Oct 13, 2020